Placing an order
Browse the catalogue to make your purchase. When you have selected at the item you wish to order, enter the quantity you desire and click on "Buy". When your order contains the items and quantities you wish to purchase, click on the "Checkout" link underneath your order.

You will then be asked to provide us with your shipping and payment information. Please see below information on Payment Options available to you. Currently delivery of products purchased on is available across India. As and when we would provide delivery to other locations, the relevant details would be updated here. Although does not provide FREE delivery, we strive to maintain low and affordable delivery prices.

Once you have successfully made your payment, your order will be processed online immediately. We will ship your order to you shortly. Please see below for information on our Shipping Policy.

Payment Options is set up to take immediate orders online through the following modes of payment:

Domestic and international credit cards issued by banks and institutions that are part of the Visa, and Mastercard Network.

Visa Debit cards
From select banks in India. A full list is available at the time of Check Out and prior to making payments for purchases

Please note that for Visa and Mastercard you will require to submit your 16-digit credit card number, card expiry date and 3-digit CVV number (on the back of the card) when you make your online transaction using your Credit Card. You should also have enrolled your Credit Card with VBV (Verified by Visa) or MSC (Mastercard Secure Code) to complete the transaction. For American Express Cards you will be required to give your 15 digit card number and 4 digit code.

Pricing Policy
Product prices listed are current, however these are subject to change without advance notice. All prices on this web site are processed in Indian Rupees.

All orders are acknowledged at current pricing. We will bill at price in effect at the time of shipping. Our products are liable for GST in India.

All international shipping orders may attract local duties applicable in that country and the customer will have to pay accordingly locally.

For deliveries outside India
Check the tentative Customs Duty Charge / Import Duty / VAT / Other applicable government taxes here. This table is for information purpose only. You are advised to reconfirm such charges at your end before placing the Order.

Your shipment could be subject to Customs Duty Charge / Import Duty / VAT / Other applicable government taxes/ handling fees / taxes on arrival in the destination country.

These charges will have to be paid by the customer/consignee as the shipper is not obliged to pay them.

The shipping charges mentioned in the total order value does not include these abovementioned charges.

Payment Security
All transactions at are protected by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and Secure Data Encryption. Any information you enter when transacting with Zyax Online is sent in a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) session and is encrypted to protect you against unintentional disclosure to third parties. This is an assurance that it follows the best security practices adopted by major online vendors where all payments are processed in real-time for your security and immediate peace of mind.

You can tell your browser is in secure mode in the “Checkout” by looking for the padlock icon in the bottom corner or at the end of the address bar of your browser window.

What is a CVV/CVC?
The Credit Verification Value or CVV or the Credit Validation Code or CVC is an important security feature that further reduces the risk of Internet fraud. This number never appears on sales receipts or billing statements and is only found on the physical card itself. We ask you to enter the CVV/CVC code during your transaction to make sure that the card is, in fact, in your possession. The CVV/CVC is a 3 or 4 digit code embossed or imprinted on the reverse side of your credit card in the signature area.

Out of stock Items
If the product is not in stock, we shall intimate you at the time of placing the order

Cancellation Policy
After order confirmation and payment completion, will endeavor to deliver your product in the stipulated delivery time to your beneficiary address in India only. will not allow for Cancellation of Shipment for any reason and request our dear customers accordingly to confirm the purchase first and then book with If you feel that there has been an error with your order, you need to contact us immediately either via the provided phone number or email address.

Purchases are shipped from our factory / warehouse in Mumbai by courier. Please allow following number of days from receipt of your order.

Delivery for Prepaid Orders:

7 to 10 days
An additional day may be required for remote areas.

Goods will need to be signed for upon delivery. If you cannot be there to sign for your delivery please suggest an alternative i.e. a family member, colleague, neighbour, etc. takes no responsibility for goods signed by an alternative person. is not responsible for damage after delivery.

All claims for shortages or damages caused during transit must be reported to customer service by email at on the day of delivery.

Shipping and handling rates may vary based on product, packaging, size , volume, type and other considerations. The shipping and handling charges are given at the time of check out and consumers will know about this before making payments.

Replacement Policy
Only goods if are at the time of delivery to you are damaged only then the same will be replaced.

Replacement : If the goods are damaged during transit, the User can send photographs of the goods on email id provided below. If the Company is satisfied that the damage is caused during transit, the Company shall send replacement. Replacement shall be of products which are unopened.

Damages caused to the goods on account of negligence, improper usage or wrong application on the part of the customer will not be covered under our Exchange/Returns Policy.

Each item can only be exchanged once. No cash refunds are permitted.

Please allow one to three weeks from the day of your replacement request to be processed. You will be contacted once your replacement is complete.

Please note that we do not offer exchanges or refunds on any sale. makes every effort to service the orders placed with them, as per the specification and delivery timelines mentioned against each product. As a policy, we request you to kindly check the product and the accessories while accepting the delivery. In case of any discrepancies, kindly bring it to our notice before accepting delivery. After acceptance of delivery of the product, will not entertain any returns or refund request.

If you have any questions or complaints regarding the products, please email us at